Moving Time? How You Can Have a Seamless Cloud Migration with iArch Solutions & RackWare

One of the many challenges faced by current IT management teams, is when and how to move to the cloud.  Now, when I talk about cloud, I’m really referring to any data center ‘somewhere else’.  The options for cloud computing are nearly endless these days, but most of the times we’re talking about the big 4:  Azure, AWS, Google Cloud or OCI.


For a lot of customers, the first inclination is to setup new systems in the cloud and migrate content over to them.  It’s a tried and true, and completely viable approach.  But is it the best one?


What if I told you that you could simply take your environment ‘as-is’ and drop it in the cloud of your choosing?


Well, the good news is that you can, and we’ve done it for other customers. 


While we spend a lot of time talking about RackWare, and how elegant a solution it provides for Disaster Recovery (DR), the truth of the matter is that it is also a system migration utility.  RackWare can move between disparate data centers, between cloud vendors, tackle virtual to physical, and a host of other scenarios. 


A glance of the support matrix below shows the power of RackWare as a migration tool:

The beauty of RackWare for migration scenarios is that it is affordable and easy to setup and configure.  Additionally, the process can be used to tackle small and complex server environments, including most underlying DB systems. 


It achieves this using the below process to move and synchronize the hosts, and build target environment corollaries, as needed:

So, what are you waiting for?  If you’re contemplating migrations of servers and/or environments to the cloud, let iArch Solutions help you today.


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